
Новости образования/Știri Principale

Мастерат в Стамбуле!

Новости образования/Știri Principale

Maltepe University последнее звено в цепи успешных образовательных проектов Marmara Education Institution , девиз которой "От детского сада до университета". Maltepe University был основан в Стамбуле в 1997 году.


Университет расположен в центре Стамбула.Колыбель цивилизации, город тысячи мечетей, центр мировой торговли - все эти описания как нельзя лучше подчеркивают контрастность этого удивительного города, где граничат восточная скромность и европейская роскошь.


Факультеты Maltepe University:

·          Faculty of Architecture

·          Faculty of Communication

·          Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

·          Faculty of Education

·          Faculty of Engineering

·          Faculty of Fine Arts

·          Faculty of Law

·          Faculty of Medicine

·          Faculty of Science and Literature


Программы постуниверситетского образования:

·               Department of Educational Sciences

o                         Management in Education and Auditing

·               Department of Philosophy

o                         Philosophy of Education (with thesis)

o                         Ethics and Applied Ethics (with thesis)

o                         Philosophy (with thesis)

o                         Philosophy and Social Politics (with thesis) 


·                  Department of Public Relations and Publicity

o                         Marketing Communications (with and without thesis)


·                  Department of Interior Architecture

o                         Interior Architecture ( with and without thesis)


·                  Department of Economics

o                         Banking and Financial Economics (without thesis)

o                         Economics (with thesis)

o                         Economics (without thesis)


·                  Department of Human Rights

o                         Human Rights (with and without thesis)

·                  Department of Business Administration

o                         E – MBA (without thesis)

o                         Business Administration (without thesis)

o                         Accounting - Financing (with thesis)


·                  Department of Public Law

o                         Public Law (with thesis)


·                  Department of Secondary School Teaching

o                         Teaching Philosophy (without thesis)

·                  Department of Private Law 

o                         Private Law (with thesis)


·                  Department of Psychology

o                         Forensic Psychology (with thesis)

o                         Industrial and Organisational Psychology (with thesis)

o                         Developmental Psychology (with thesis)

o                         Clinical Psychology (with thesis)


·                  Department of Radio, Cinema and Television

o                         Radio, Cinema and Television (with and without thesis)


·                  Department of Sociology 

o                         Sociology (with and without thesis) 


·                  Department of Foreign Languages Education 

o                         English Language Teaching (with thesis) 


Требования к зачислению:

·          диплом о среднем образовании

·          CV

·          сертификат ALES  с баллом 55


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