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toate știrile

Новости образования/Știri Principale


We are glad to inform that all the short listed participants (FULL LIST CAN BE VIEWED HERE) of the National Contest “edUKation” 2010 have been sent invitations to their e-mail addresses.

We are pleased to invite all the participants of Science Senior and Junior band (Mathematics in English) and English language band to attend the Regional Selection Stage as follows:

Schedule of the events:

Central Region (Chisinau)

Date: 13th of February, 2010.
Registration of the participants: 09.30 – 10.30
Test: 10.30 – 12.00
Venue (address): The Theoretical Lyceum “Spiru Haret”, Chisinau
Str. Maria Cebotari, 53 (next to “Teatrul National de Opera si Balet »)

North Region (Balti)

Date: 13th of February, 2010 (Saturday)
Registration of the participants: 10.00 – 10.30
Test: 10.30 – 12.00
Venue (address): The Theoretical Lyceum “G. Coşbuc”, Balti
bd. Larisa, 3 (next to Bus station and FIDESCO)

South Region (Comrat)

Date: 13th of February, 2010 (Saturday)
Registration of the participants: 10.00 – 10.30
Test: 10.30 – 12.00
Venue (address): Theoretical Lyceum “G. A. Gaidarji”, Comrat
Lenin str, 198

IMPOPTANT! Please make sure you carry a valid ID or passport at registration!

Please DO NOT bring any visitors with you to the event. (Parents, partners and friends will be very welcome to accompany you to the Final Selection in Chisinau should you be short listed).

Please do not hesitate to contact us on if you have queries regarding the content of this letter and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Stimati Participanti categoriei Stiinte in Limba Romana!

Va multumim pentru cererea de participare la Concursul National “edUKation” 2010.

Sintem bucurosi sa confirmam ca in urma preselectiei a candidatilor pentru aceasta categorie avem placerea de a va invita la etapa finala a concursului precum urmeaza : 


Orarul concursului:
Data: 20th of February, 2010.
Inregisitrarea partcipantilor: 09.30 – 10.30
Test: 10.30 – 12.00

Adresa: Liceul Academiei de Stiinte a Moldovei, Chisinau
str. Sprincenoaia, 1 (Telecentru, un cartier mai sus de str.Academiei)

IMPORTANT! Particpantii vor prezenta un document de identitate cu datele personale la inregistrare!

Pentru informatii suplimentare privind concurul puteti contacta Comitetul Organizatoric la adresa

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