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  • Sesiune informativa "Study in Germany"

    Sesiune informativa "Study in Germany"

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toate știrile

Новости образования/Știri Principale

Scholarship in the German Bundestag.

Новости образования/Știri Principale

The German Bundestag collaborates with the Humboldt University in Berlin to run its International Parliamentary Internships (IPS) scheme.

This gives well qualified young people with a strong interest in politics from the USA and Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of Germany’s system of parliamentary government.

The scheme involves fifteen-week placements with Members of the German Bundestag. The participants are introduced to the wide variety of tasks carried out in a Member’s office. For example, they may find themselves drafting speeches, articles and letters or doing preparatory work for plenary sittings.

The exchange programmes of the German Bundestag are conceived of as exciting ways of teaching young people about the significance of friendly cooperation based on shared political and cultural values.
Would you like to work at the German Parliament?

The German Bundestag invites you, in cooperation with the Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin, to apply for an International Parliamentary Scholarship (IPS) to spend five months in Berlin. The IPS program is aimed at highly qualified young men and women who are interested in politics and who wish to play an active and responsible role in shaping the democratic future of their country. The German Bundestag, the German Parliament, offers young people the opportunity to get to know the German parliamentary system and political decision-making processes and to gain practical experience of parliamentary work during a 15-week work placement with a Member of the Bundestag. The scholarship-winners are chosen by the German Bundestag’s independent selection panel.


* University degree
* Very good knowledge of German
* Under the age of 30 at the start of the scholarship


* 450 euros per month
* Free accommodation
* Insurance and travel expenses

For application please contact EXCEL.

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